Nez Perce 1877

銷售價︰ HK$160.0 HK$136.6
品 牌︰  Osprey Publishing
型 號︰  OSP CAM231
庫存狀態︰  有庫存
 收藏    對比

With the wars between the US and the Native Americans drawing to a close, one tribe in Eastern Oregon continued to resist. The Nez Perce, led by the ‘Red Napoleon’ Chief Joseph, refused to surrender and accept resettlement. Instead, Chief Joseph organized a band of 750 warriors and set off for the Canadian border, pursued by 2,000 US Army troops under Major-General Oliver Howard. The army chased the natives for three months, fighting 13 actions. Finally, just 40 miles from the Canadian border, the Army ran Chief Joseph to the ground, and forced him to surrender after a five-day battle near Bear Paw Mountain.

  • Origins of the campaign
  • Chronology
  • Opposing commanders
  • Opposing forces
  • Opposing plans
  • Outbreak of the war and opening moves (June–July 1877)
  • Pursuit (July–August 1877)
  • The endgame (September 1877)
  • Aftermath
  • The battlefields today
  • Further reading
  • Index



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