Panzer Grenadier: Tank Battles (絕版貨)

銷售價︰ HK$239.0
品 牌︰  Avalanche Press
型 號︰  APL0804
庫存狀態︰  有庫存
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This Panzer Grenadier scenario book is a first for the popular tactical combat series, a book of 48 new scenarios. The centerpiece is a special module on Operation Mars, the 1942 Soviet offensive in front of Moscow. Despite heroic sacrifices, the Red Army failed to break through the German lines. Thirty-four new scenarios show the desperate fighting in this sector. There are also articles on German helicopter development and the Austrian Federal Army of 1938, plus scenarios for Austrian units. Finally, a set of six scenarios covers Operation Little Saturn, the Soviet attack against the Italian Eighth Army launched at the same time as Operation Mars. The back cover includes full-color counters for Austrian units and three different kinds of German helicopter. This book is a must-have for all Panzer Grenadier fans.

Tank Battles is 64 pages.



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